In 1997, Mr Narker and some of his close associates, began to think about forming a New Budo Organisation due to the large amount of enquiries from like-minded Martial Artists who were in general, dissatisfied with existing groups and, who wanted to belong to a progressive, yet traditional oriented Organisation.
Narker Sensei began to contact his friends, seeking to gather Instructors who could develop the Structure of the New group. In August 1998, the Shin Budo Kai (New Martial Arts Association) was born, with supporters throughout South Africa and overseas.
Currently, most of the members are practising karateka, but one TaeKwonDo group is also involved.
How to Apply for Associate Membership
1. Print or type in the application
form. Leave the section regarding rank blank.
2. Please send a bankdraft or International Money Order,
made out to Hoosain Narker, for the amount of $50.00.
3. You will receive a Associate Member certificate, your
name will be placed on the official membership list of the SBK.
4. Once a member, your yearly membership dues are only
How to Apply for Full Membership/Rank
1. Print or type in the application
2. Send a typed, detailed history of your Martial Arts
3. Include copies of all rank certificate you have been
4. You will receive a letter telling you the results
of our Board of Directors review of your application, the costs of rank
registration/certificates, etc. When your application for rank is approved
by the SBK, and rank fees have been paid, your certificate will be mailed.
If you have any questions about our group, or if you would like to be sent a membership application, please contact us by mail, telephone, or e-mail.
The Co-ordinator, Shin Budo
Kai HQ
P.O. Box 117, Retreat, 7965, Cape Town, South Africa
Tel/Fax: +27 21 712 7776 E-mail: