Karate is a martial art which was introduced in South Africa during 1950
by persons who developed an interest in this eastern culture through reading
books and with information received from sailors who visited South African
ports. During the early 1960's a few South Africans visited Japan and formally
studied the art of karate. This international exposure was reciprocated
with the visit by top Japanese karate instructors. These pioneers initiated
the development and expansion of karate to what today has become the sixth
biggest sport in the country with a membership which exceeds 200 000 with
more than 1400 organised clubs throughout South Africa.
On 19 May 1992, the Karate Association of South Africa was formed, unifying
karate as a sport amongst the various national karate bodies which existed.
Today, through the initiatives of KASA , all the various styles of karate
and provinces are totally unified under one body which controls karate
in South Africa.
KASA is the only karate organisation recognised by the Department of Sport
and Recreation, the NSC and NOCSA. It has membership to the World Karate
Federation (WKF) and was re-admitted to the international arena in 1992
The Karate Association of South Africa (KASA) is the governing body for
Karate in this country.
KASA Executive Members

President: Imtiaz Abdulla ** Vice-President: Geoff Landless ** General
Secretary: Leon Beech **
Treasurer: Dave Friend Tournament Director: Hoosain Narker ** Womens Co-ordinator:
Sanette Smit
Additional Member: Malcolm Dorfman ** Additional Member: Cass Sehloho **
Additional Member: Joe Nel **
** Serving on KASA since 1992 but involved in the Unity process
since 1990.
** At the KASA Elections held in October 1997, new office
bearers replaced some of the above listed. With time to come, we will list
to Home Page
Updated by Hoosain